Hospital Emergency Management

The Hospital Preparedness Program is a statewide network of emergency management positions such as Safety, Risk Management, Facilities, and Emergency Department personnel at participating hospitals in West Virginia. The HPP program has been in existence since 2002 and is supported by federal grant funds received through the state DHHR Center for Threat Preparedness. Hospitals are grouped into seven regional areas across the state, and have developed Regional Response Plans to support each other in emergency and disaster events. The program disseminates relevant information statewide and directs program activities to assist hospitals in meeting eight national preparedness and response capabilities for healthcare organizations through emergency preparedness equipment and supplies, training, and functional exercises.

Participating West Virginia hospitals are part of Regional Healthcare Coalitions that includes long term care facilities, Primary Care clinics, county health departments and behavioral health facilities.


Samantha Stamper
Director, Hospital Emergency Management
Lisa Green
Program Manager