HPP Coalition Systems


WebEOC is an emergency management and communications system that gives healthcare coalitions the ability to quickly communicate during a disaster. This internet-based technology helps coalitions prepare and respond to disasters as they happen. You must be a WV Healthcare Coalition member to gain access.

Not a member, contact your regional coordinator
Coalition members log in here.


EMResource is a web-based resource management and communication tool developed by Juvare. EMResource is used by health care, public health, first responders, and other health care and government agencies. This system is utilized to monitor and notify changes in resource statuses such as diversions, EOC activations, resource availability, and other information.

Share Point Site

Share Point Site  A collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Coordinators and Chairs can place and store large documents to share with Coalition Members. Members can read and download needed files.

For Coordinators and Chairs only
For all Coalition Members

EPRI (Emergency Preparedness Resource Inventory (Inactive)

EPRI (Emergency Preparedness Resource Inventory)– is a resource inventory management tool hosted on the West Virginia Hospital Association data portal. It gives hospitals, emergency management agencies, health departments and other partnering agencies in WV Healthcare coalitions visibility of shareable resources available in the county, region, coalition or state. Any Coalition Member can access the tool through a log in to complete their own Inventory list, or search for needed resources.


Samantha Stamper
Director, Hospital Emergency Management
Lisa Green
Program Manager