Virtual Training Resources

During a time when in-person training is not possible, Healthcare Education Foundation of WV (HEF) is providing a sample library of national resources who offer online education on several emergency preparedness topics.

New courses offering Continuing education (CE) on infection control

HHS/ASPR COVID-19 Clinical Rounds – Peer to Peer Learning Network

Clinicians from the U.S. and abroad share their strengths and challenges with treating patients with COVID-19. Generous time for Q&A is provided.

  • Patient Care and Operations: EMS
  • Critical Care: Lifesaving Treatment and Clinical Operations
  • Emergency Department: Patient Care and Clinical Operations

The National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH)

An online course covering the 11 core competencies in disaster medicine and public health.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A course for health professionals concerning reproductive health and emergency preparedness
2-Part Series on Respirator Use:

The US Department of Homeland Security 

A Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) online training module, Public Health and Health Care Partners, teaches workers to recognize suspicious behavior associated with Pre-incident terrorist activities. The training also discusses civil rights, privacy, and how and when to report suspicious activity.

The Ohio State University College of Public Health

A course based upon the 25 Public Health Nursing (PHN) Competencies for disaster surge, and is intended to provide participants with a comprehensive view of PHN surge from preparedness to response to recovery. There is no cost for this course.

Kidney Community Emergency Response

A recorded webinar, Dialysis During Disasters

National Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health (NCDMPH)

NCDMPH leads national efforts to develop and propagate core curricula, education, training, and research in all-hazards disaster health.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

IS-200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training.

CERT and the Incident Command System (ICS)

IS-315A – This Independent Study (IS) course introduces you to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) relationship to the Incident Command System (ICS), a proven management system used by emergency managers to help maintain the safety of disaster workers, provide clear leadership and organizational structure, and improve the effectiveness of rescue efforts

Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team (CERTs)

IS-317A – This Independent Study (IS) course is an introduction to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program for those interested in learning about the CERT program for their own knowledge or as a pre-requisite for completing the CERT Basic classroom training that may be available in your community.

ASPR Tracie COVID-19 Resources

  • Crisis Standards of Care and COVID-19: What’s Working and What Isn’t? Webinar Recording and Related Resources – A discussion of clinical consultation versus triage support, systems-level information sharing, coalition-level coordination activities, and recent publications/resources to help with planning efforts. Access those and the set of resources referenced during the webinar
  • A Brooklyn, NY Hospital Discusses Lessons Learned During COVID-19 Response

Lessons Learned by a COVID-19 Designated Hospital

The hospital implemented drastic changes to address the hospital’s needs while remaining committed to education

Support for Overstretched Clinicians During the Ongoing Pandemic

This is a video discussion of proactive programs available to support staff during stressful times. Check out the related article in ASPR Tracie’s Issue 12 of The Exchange and the entire COVID-19 Healthcare Professional Stress and Resilience speaker series.

Armed Intruder/Active Shooter Training Module

Provides healthcare providers and other staff with an overview of strategies and protocols for an armed intruder/active shooter incident. Speakers describe the “run-hide-fight” and “secure-preserve-fight” approaches and share “Stop the Bleed” basics, a video for how to apply a tourniquet, and resources for managing stress. Though this training was created by the Mount Sinai Health System, it is applicable to other healthcare providers and healthcare systems.

COVID-19 and Healthcare Professional Stress and Resilience

In the months that have passed since a pandemic was declared, ASPR has witnessed our nation’s healthcare providers working tirelessly to care for patients, with surges testing their facilities’ and their own personal resilience. This kind of work is grueling and can take a significant toll on physical and mental health. The resources developed for/highlighted in this issue can help individuals identify and address risk and the negative mental health effects of stress in themselves, their colleagues, and their staff.

Emergency Responder Self-Care Plan: Behavioral Health PPE

Taking care of oneself is difficult during a pandemic, where responders experience additional stressors related to home and personal circumstances as well as those brought on by challenging mission demands. This fillable form includes steps people can take to stay healthy and fit for duty while caring for others. The form can be completed before each mission/event and keep handy to help apply coping strategies when things get tough.

A series of Podcasts on Well@Work issues

By: The University of Kentucky Center on Trauma and Children
Episode 1 – Secondary Traumatic Stress
Episode 2 – Moral Distress
Episode 3 – Grief and Loss
Episode 4 – Sleep
Episode 5 – Supervision: How supervisors can combat secondary traumatic stress
Episode 6 – Healthy Peer Networks
Episode 7 – Stigma
Episode 8 – Self Compassion and Secondary Traumatic Stress
Episode 9 – Using Accountability Partners to Build Resilience at Work 


Samantha Stamper
Director, Hospital Emergency Management
Lisa Green
Program Manager