One Voice for Hospitals

What is HOSPAC?

HOSPAC is a membership political action committee, organized and supported by persons who support the improvement of healthcare in West Virginia, and who support hospitals and their role in improving health care. HOSPAC is a voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan organization whose purpose is to provide financial support to candidates for election in West Virginia, and to support issues and measures that improve healthcare in West Virginia.

Contributions are voluntary and have no impact on job status, performance review, compensation or employment. Contributions to HOSPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal or state income tax purposes.

Your contribution to HOSPAC is shared between the state and federal levels. HOSPAC partners with the American Hospital Association Federal PAC (AHAPAC) through an annual joint fundraiser. HOSPAC transfers 50 percent of Chairman’s Circle ($500 contributions) and above to AHAPAC to support West Virginia candidates at the federal level unless the contributor designates otherwise.

Who May Contribute to HOSPAC?

All contributions to HOSPAC are greatly appreciated. Please consider being a HOSPAC leader and setting an example for other contributors. The maximum contribution is $5,000 for the primary election and $5,000 for the general election. HOSPAC and the American Hospital Association Federal PAC (AHAPAC) recognize all Club Level contributors at the WVHA Annual Membership Meeting and various AHA national meetings.

1898 Society………………………………………………………..$5,000
Champion’s Club………………………………….$2,500 – $4,999
Ben Franklin Club…………………………………$1,000 – $2,499
Chairman’s Circle……………………………………….$500 – $999
Capitol Club………………………………………………..$350 – $499

HOSPAC is subject to state election laws that govern who may contribute to a political action committee. HOSPAC may receive contributions from persons who support the goals of HOSPAC.

Eligible Contributors
As a matter of policy and practice, HOSPAC solicits contributions only from WVHA member officers, directors, and administrative employees and their spouses, along with Association Staff. Administrative personnel include employees with supervisory or policy making responsibilities who are paid on a salary rather than an hourly basis, officers and executives of the corporation, and individuals following recognized professions. Only employed physicians of WVHA member hospitals and health systems may contribute to HOSPAC.

HOSPAC Contribution Form

Hospital Role:(Required)
My role in the hospital is one of the following: Administrative personnel, Employees with supervisory or policy making responsibilities, Officers and executives of the corporation, Physicians employed by hospitals, WVHA member officers, directors, administrative employees or their spouses, and Association Staff.