Opioid Collaborative

Prescription opioid and heroin misuse and addiction continues to have a devasting impact on communities throughout West Virginia and the nation. West Virginia is at the center of the epidemic experiencing the highest per 100,000 person drug overdose death rate in the nation.  WVHA is committed to working with our members on opioid stewardship to prevent opioid addiction and improve the management of care for patients with opioid use disorder, as well as working with state and local law makers in response to this epidemic.

In response to member concerns and at the direction of the WVHA Quality Committee, WVHA’s Opioid Collaborative kicked off in July 2018 to help WV hospitals advance their stewardship of opioids within the hospitals and better assist those with opioid use disorder in accessing treatment. There are currently over 30 hospitals participating. Through the collaborative, members have access to regular education sessions featuring state and national experts, learning network sharing of best practices, and facility-specific utilization reports with statewide benchmarking.


Jordan Wilton
Director, Data Analysis