November 15, 2019
WVHA Opioid Collaborative ALTOs in the ED In-Person Meeting
Speakers: Rachael Duncan, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
The purpose of the meeting was to recognize hospitals for the work that they have undertaken in the first year of the WVHA Opioid Collaborative and to prepare for the next phase of activity, a 12-month project focused on implementing alternatives to opioids (ALTOs) in the emergency department.
The meeting featured Clinical Pharmacist, Rachael Duncan, PharmD BCPS BCCCP, who discussed a multimodal approach to pain management, including the novel use of ketamine, lidocaine, haloperidol, and ketorolac, as well as the process and policy changes that need to occur prior to the implementation of ALTO therapies.
Other presentations included Robert “Bob” Hansen from the Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP) who spoke about on the current status of opioid-related activity at ODCP and three hospitals who presented about some of the work they’ve undertaken over the past year. The hospital presenters who shared their work and lesson learned were Dr. Shelda Martin and Ashley Murphy from Charleston Area Medical Center, Brenda Bauer from WVU Medicine St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Kellon Smith from WVU Medicine Potomac Valley Hospital.
Meeting Materials
WVHA Update and Gap Analysis Results
Rachael Duncan – Alternatives to Opioids
Rachael Duncan – ALTO Implementation and Results