November 13, 2018

Monthly Webinar

Speakers: Dr. David Yanga & Dr. Jeff Gee

WVHA Monthly Opioid Collaborative Webinar – Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scales

Webinar Recording

Password: COWS_Nov18

Webinar Materials

Additional Resources:

Project SHOUT provides assistance to clinicians who are not addiction medicine specialists as they seek to effectively manage inpatients with opioid use disorder.  There are seven webinars and a toolkit of resources, including order sets for buprenorphine and methadone, guidelines, and patient materials.  You can even register for office hours support with two of their physician leaders or contact them for implementation support.  They are based in California so some of the material is California-centric (when they talk about Medi-Cal, for example), but the majority of it can apply to hospitals anywhere.  You can access the Project SHOUT website here: